Episode #2 with Luke Muehlhauser

Seth and Luke (and Jeric) talk religion, philosophy, and debate at Coopersmith’s Pub. Luke is the author of the popular blog Common Sense Atheism. You can find the talk he gave at Colorado State University on YouTube. As an aside, in the interview I mentioned that “Like most people in America I was indoctrinated into Methodism.” What I meant to say was that like most people in America I was indoctrinated into Christianity, specifically Methodism. This is a minor point but I cringe when I listen back to it.

After Luke’s interview Jeric and I thought it might be a good idea to revisit the Craig v. Hitchens debate that occurred at Biola in 2009. Luke wrote a review of the debate and we touched on it a bit in the interview. I wondered if I had missed something and indeed I had, but you’ll have to actually listen to the podcast if you want any elaboration.

We have on the podcast special guest Tony G, cunning linguist and guitar extraordinaire, for a fresh perspective on the debate. For the sake of brevity we focus mainly on Craig’s opening arguments. In case you’re wondering, yes, Craig’s arguments were edited for time as was our commentary. I tried as best I can to be faithful to Craig’s arguments while at the same time distilling them down to their nuts and bolts, but if you think I somehow misrepresented anyone… I don’t know… angry comment?

Tony G

Tony G

4 thoughts on “Episode #2 with Luke Muehlhauser

  1. Pingback: News Bits

  2. Pingback: My interview with Seth Yoder on morality, Bill Craig, and the atheism-theism debate

  3. Pingback: Luke Muehlhauser and WLC dissection transcript « Leaders in Free Thought

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